This is 30

Today I turn 30.

Last year on my birthday, I shared a portion of my 30 Before 30 list, and though there were a few big ones that I just couldn't make a reality, I'm pretty proud of all the items I was able to check off. And let's be honest, I'll be compiling a 35 Before 35 list now that I have another five years to plan for. Silver lining, right?

This past year has been a crazy one for me, and though there have been a lot of struggles and big changes that I had no idea how I was going to handle at times, I'm pretty happy about where I am, one year later.

I came to the realization recently that I don't need to figure everything out right now, nor do I haveto do anything because I feel like I "should" be doing it. I'm learning to be a little easier on myself, and instead of putting a ridiculous amount of pressure on myself, I'm focusing on building a life that I love, and defining that on my own terms. It sounds simple, but it's taken me awhile to get here, and it's been quite the personal journey.

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I've been filling my weekends with creative projects as of late, because when it comes down to it, that's what I love doing, what challenges and inspires me and keeps me energized. And this past weekend, after scanning my birthday list to see if there was anything else I could check off before the big day, I decided to take to the kitchen to bake a cake from scratch. I wasn't in a rush and I had no agenda other than simply baking a cake, so the pressure was off and it was all about enjoying the process. I found a good playlist, opened a bottle of wine, picked out a few fun party accessories from Bash Party Goods that were begging to be styled, and took the challenge head on.

And the result? Lavender Earl Grey Mini Layer Cakes with ombré frosting. They were adorable and delicious and I'll admit it, I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm pretty sure most baked goods are better when they're tea infused, and I swapped out the icing for the one from this mini cake recipe, but used lavender water instead of rose and added in lemon juice to offset the sweetness a little. Perfection.

So here we go, let's raise a glass and cheers to 30. May this be the best year yet!

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Pink Heart Cake Topper and Cotton Candy Pink Candles via Bash Party Goods

Photos: Jason Matos