Posts tagged creative entrepreneur
Why You Shouldn't Pay Too Much Attention to What Everyone Else is Doing

In yesterday's newsletter, I shared my experience of learning to embrace my story, failures, and experiences, and including those as part of what I offer instead of trying to fit myself under a certain cookie cutter label or title. It took me awhile, but I've finally realized that not only is it the best way for me to stand out from everyone else, but it's why I have my own unique blend of expertise.

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5 Podcasts for Creative Entrepreneurs and Bloggers

Earlier this year, I discovered podcasts. Sure, I was aware of them before, but I hadn't really come across any that spoke to me specifically or felt relevant to what I was doing and what my interests were, personally or professionally. I'm also a serial multi-tasker and tend to get lost in my own daydreams (or brilliant ideas, however you want to position it), so anytime I had tried giving them a listen, I found that I would inadvertently stop paying attention early on and failed to gain anything from the experience.

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