Introducing Styled Stock Photos

If you're reading this - welcome to the new Studio Bicyclette! It's taken me awhile to get here (just over a year, to be exact), but I'd say the wait is worth it and I'm so excited to share this with you. 

As part of the relaunch, I'm reinstating the weekly newsletter, which will be a place where I share the lessons I'm learning as Bicyclette continues to evolve, and a peek "behind the sequin curtain," so to speak. If you're not on the list yet, I'd love to have you!

As I was brainstorming ideas around that, I started thinking of ways I could make that email community just a little more valuable, something that would be enticing to you, as the reader, and that would also challenge me as a creative and push my own business a little further.

The idea for offering styled stock photos has been on my mind for awhile - I'm sure I have the post-it note to prove it tucked away in a notebook somewhere. 

There have been so many times when I'm searching for the perfect photo to accompany a blog or instagram post, and though there are a number of options for stock photos out there, none of them quite fit my style or offer the variety I'm looking for, and the reality is, I don't always have the time or resources to take a photo that fits with the content that I'm sharing.

Long story short, I figured why not test it out now? So I took to the studio this past Sunday with an armful of flowers and decided to create my first styled stock photo pack. 

Each month I'll be choosing a theme and releasing five new photos to my newsletter community. The download will include both the high res, full size versions and also an Instagram-ready version of each photo, cropped and optimized for sharing. It doesn't get much easier than that. 

Sound like something you might be interested in? You can add your name to the list here - enjoy!