A Little Blog Break and Some Exciting News

With a secret date set for the new Studio Bicyclette website launch - it's really happening! But all I'm going to tell you right now is that it's soon. Really soon - I've decided to take a little blogging break for the next week or so in order to focus all of my energy on the design and development. I find that when I have lots on my plate, I get really good at procrastinating the tasks that might be a little on the scarier side (which yes, the website fits under), and so instead I'm trying to simplify and really focus on one thing at a time, limiting any other distractions - even the important ones. That doesn't mean I won't be sharing a glimpse at the process on Instagram (come on, you should know me better than that!), but things might just be a little on the quieter side for a while as we work a little magic behind the scenes.

I've pulled all the images, finalized my colour palette and fonts, designed a lot of the graphic elements and started work on the layout itself. The next step, and the part I'm actually dreading? Fine tuning all the written content.

In other words, I have a busy weekend in front of me.